Relines and Repairs

Our mouths are constantly changing in particularly with people who have missing teeth. However, dentures do not change and need maintenance.
If your current dentures are loose, uncomfortable, hurts you or unstable it may be a good indication that it requires a reline.
A reline will re-adapt your denture to a superior fit of the current shape of your mouth and is suitable in the cases where you have a partial denture as well as a full denture.
We also offer a soft resilient liner for patients that have pain or trouble wearing dentures that are made from acrylic.
A reline may be necessary every 2-3 years so please feel free to give us a call for a free consultation.
Unfortunately denture accidents do happen in our day to day lives that need repairs & maintenance.
We understand that they happen at the worst of times so we will repair your denture whilst you wait.
Just remember that we are here for you.